Research assistants needed!
Uppsala university’s Department of Informatics and Media have an opportunity for
Research Assistants (2–4) in a project titled Exploring the Role of Culture in Persuasive
Designing E-Coaching for Informal Caregivers. The research is part of the EU project
ENTWINE ( focused on designing an e-coaching system for
Swedish natives and immigrant caregivers from the Middle East.
We are looking for motivated individuals with some research background (bachelor’s or
master’s thesis) who are interested in this area and speak either Swedish or Arabic. The
work would involve translating interview guides and advertisement materials to Swedish
or Arabic, conduct interviews in Swedish or Arabic, and translate them back to English.
Remuneration will be provided on an hourly basis.
If you think this is of interest to you, please get in touch with:
PhD Student Shweta Premanandan,, 070-7689331
Prof Pär Ågerfalk,, 070-4250296
Department of Informatics and Media
Uppsala University